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Welcome to

The Circuit Writer

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to helping small churches help each other. We have created a platform for churches with fewer resources than their more populated counterparts to share materials. Please download our free sermons and faith stories to share with your community and don't hesitate to send us your material; We are always looking for new Circuit Writers.

Search through our downloadable database of sermons, poems and faith stories; and be sure to send us some of yours! The stories of our rural and village churches must be shared --there is strength in sharing. After all, a fact will die in our minds; but a story will live in our hearts forever.​

Join Us!​

We are always searching for new material to share with our community! All that we ask is you please glance over our guidelines to be sure your material aligns with our mission. From there, its as easy as clicking send.

Sermon Exchange

Church Gallery

Send us pictures of your beautiful village churches to add to our growing gallery!

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